Storage Expansion
Advanced HPC’s JBOD solutions range from smaller 12-drive JBODs to 102-drive 4U options from leading names like Western Digital, Quanta and Supermicro. Standard features include redundant and hot-swap power supplies, fans and SAS I/O modules—and most importantly, we custom configure the solution exactly to your requirements.
Today, JBODs are increasingly popular as big data storage needs become larger and more complex. With this push toward denser storage, JBODs with 90 drives are now available—and the number will more than likely continue to grow. The storage size of the HDDs will continue to grow as well, from 12TB to 14 and 16TB.
Another trend we’re seeing is JBOFs (Just a Bunch of Flash), meaning you can add NVMe drives or SSD drives for higher performance.
To help determine what expansion options are right for you, consult with our technical experts. They’ll explain the building blocks you need—and how we can deliver the best value and best performance.