NVIDIA InfiniBand Long Haul Systems

InfiniBand Long-Haul Systems

Extend InfiniBand performance to remote infrastructures and the edge.

NVIDIA® MetroX® long-haul systems seamlessly connect remote InfiniBand data centers, storage, or other InfiniBand-based platforms. Extending the reach of InfiniBand over long distances and dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) infrastructures enables native and encrypted InfiniBand connectivity between remote data centers—or between data center and remote storage infrastructures—for high availability and disaster recovery.

Meet MetroX.

For geographically distributed higher education and research institutions, storing compute and storage resources in one central location can be challenging. The MetroX family of long-haul systems extends the availability of InfiniBand’s high data throughput and native remote direct-memory access (RDMA) communications. Users can easily and effectively migrate application jobs from one InfiniBand-connected data center to another or combine the compute power of multiple remote data centers together for higher overall performance and scalability.

Achieve world-class performance.

Accelerated data transfers with In-Network Computing.

NVIDIA Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™ offloads collective operations from the CPUs to the switch network.

Better resiliency with self-healing networking.

NVIDIA MetroX’s optimized design leverages InfiniBand-based self-healing capabilities to overcome link failures and achieve network recovery 5,000X faster than any software-based solution—enhancing system performance, scalability, and network utilization.

Simplified data center management.

NVIDIA MetroX systems can be coupled with NVIDIA Unified Fabric Management (UFM®) to manage scale-out computing environments, efficiently provisioning, monitoring, and operating the modern data center fabric.

Explore the systems.

NVIDIA MetroX-3 XC Systems

NVIDIA MetroX-3 XC extends the reach of InfiniBand up to 40 kilometers (km). MetroX-3 XC enables connectivity between remote data centers, from edge infrastructures to data centers, or between data centers and remote storage infrastructures, providing encrypted connectivity over long distances and DWDM infrastructures.

NVIDIA MetroX-2 Systems

Based on the NVIDIA Quantum 200 gigabits per second (Gb/s) InfiniBand switch, MetroX-2 systems seamlessly connect InfiniBand-based data centers up to 40km apart, enabling native RDMA connectivity across distributed compute or storage platforms.
